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Emphasized company services

To create the greatest possible value for your organization, our company lays its focus on quality and delivery of important values to you. To guarantee this, we are specialized on five main services that we are offering to our clients.

Requirements Engineering

Requirements are bridging system analysis and software design. They are needed to specify functional and non-functional needs of a system or software, to provide the software designer with information to be translated into a data model, software architecture, interfaces, and procedural design.

Our emphasis on Requirements Engineering

We focus on creating requirements that are traceable and clear to all stakeholders, also including developers, testers, project lead and middle management. Workflow diagrams are assisting the stakeholders in understanding the process, bringing transparency and clearness to all. When defining requirements, they are not carved into stone, they still can get adapted over time. This is why it is key to make requirements adaptable and traceable. It is imperative to know the resulting test cases of some requirement and also vice versa, to know the requirement of some testcase, so forward and backward tracing are a must.

Our focus on Business Analysis

Depending the progress already made and the phase of your project, we can assist you in several ways:

  • Identifying Business needs/problems during workshops/interviews or analysis of existing software in comparison to your requirements.
  • Creation of workflows to visualize the target process.
  • Technological know how exchange
    • How to build the perfect User Story with Confluence / JIRA?
    • How can you let work Confluence and JIRA in perfect harmony?
    • How to build a template? … What should be included ind acceptance criteria? … and way much more.

Waterfall projects:

  • Creation of business concepts to describe target behavior.
  • Creation of detailed functional designs so that the implementation can start.

Agile projects:

  • Creation of Epics and User Stories to fill a first load for the backlog to be able to start the first sprint.
  • Adding / Refining epics and User Stories for the sprints ahead.


Business Analysis

Together we are identifying your business needs or actual business problems within your organization. After an identification of needs or problems we will then analyze howto solve them. There are two possible ways to come to a solution, either by using an existing software and adapting or adding behavior, or by implementing an individual software for your organization.

The role of a Product Owner

A product owner is responsible for the successful implementation and delivery of software, within time and budget. Therefore it is key to create an implementation plan and architecture plan based on the organization’s requirements.

Product Ownership

We  are taking over the project as being responsible to plan, implement and deliver your organizations individual software.

In an agile environment we are taking over the following main tasks and duties:

  • Define the Vision and the Scope where the journey should take your organization to by implementing this piece of software.
  • Managing the product backlog, grooming and prioritization
  • Plan, refine, review each sprint increment
  • Anticipate client needs and make solution suggestions
  • Being a primary person of contact for the software product
  • Track performance and evaluate the progress and product




IT Consulting

A strategic software plan is needed to stay competitive and efficient.

We tactically and strategically consult you which software you should plan to use in the near future and on the long run. We can give your organization advice on when, why, how, who and what you should build to improve your organization’s efficiency.


  • Implementing new software
  • Adding new functionality to existing software
  • Strategical software planning
    • Which software you should consider to put out of your portfolio
    • Which alternatives there would be considering
      • Costs, time architecture and implementation planning

IT Consultancy

The use of software influences an organization and its main business processes. Therefore it is key to strategically plan the future plan of the software you would like to use in the future.

We guide you through your software needs.


Only digital content makes your organization fast, transparent and competitive. We teach you howto surf the digital wave.

Digitalization challenges

Every activity within your organiziation should relate to software. We assist you on your way to digitize your organization.

Many organisations suffer from the use of paper or from old software and therefore from old and inefficient business processes. This leads to non-satisfaction of customers and employees and non-competitiveness of your organisation.

We help you identifying your needs of improvement within your company.

Reach Us

Please contact us if you would like to get in touch.

Heidenreichstraße 7C    8054 Seiersberg, Austria

+43 681 20 30 82 11

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